A gallery for all your UI variations

Publish accurate visual snapshots of your iOS or Android app.
Invite the team to review changes or discuss features in our intuitive web tool.
feedback loops
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An overview of the Appviewer interfaceAn overview of the Appviewer interface
Free 30-Day Trial
No Credit Card
Sprint velocity

Build reliable UIs faster

Publish relevant UI states and edge cases during development and enable instant team reviews right in the browser.

No need to ship and install test versions or for anyone to have a physical device.
Team conversation about updated app screenshots
Iterating on features used to involve a lot of slow manual testing. Now, we can verify visual changes really quickly and provide feedback to our developers very early on.
Saves a lot of back-and-forth!
Product Manager, MYBESTBRANDS
Visual QA

Test more in less time

Catch visual bugs before they pose greater debugging challenges or even reach live users.

Make sure results align with designs across screen sizes and languages in our intuitive web app, making it far more effective than manual testing on physical devices.
A page showing the same app screen on different devices
20 screens
x 6 states
x 2 languages
x 3 devices
x 2 orientations
= 1440 UI-variations
Cross-functional team work

Collaborate seamlessly

Easily share updates or prototypes with all stakeholders to demo options, discuss trade-offs, or clarify requirements.

Asynchronous and virtual-first workflows help to reduce friction in hybrid working conditions.
A team conversation about updated app screenshots
Ensuring a first-class experience for all our users is essential for us as a brand [...] And to have one place where we see how our app behaves across many devices and scenarios really helps.
Head of Product, MYBESTBRANDS
Knowledge base

Document UI versions

Document how UIs actually look, not just what they're supposed to look in a centralized single source of truth.

Provide everyone with product insights, for easier onboarding of colleagues, customer support, or the ability to track back changes.
A page showing an app UI version history
Mybestbrands company logoMybestbrands company logo

How Appviewer helps MYBESTBRANDS to
innovate and iterate faster

Integrates with your stack

Use our SDKs or REST API to publish screenshots to your UI gallery. Easily integrate with your UI testing framework of choice and freely mock or simulate the UI states of interest.
If you already do snapshot testing, you can repurpose and publish your existing images.
iOS XCTest logoAndroid espresso logoReact Native Detox logo

Run from any CI/CD

Appviewer is designed to be run from your CI/CD pipeline. Capture and publish snapshots on push, PR, or release, or filter by selected branches. But for quick alignment of development snapshots, you can also run locally.
Github logoGitlab logoBitbucket logoJenkins logoFastlane logo
You can start with just one screen.
Adopt as you go.
Start free trial
BUILD FOX company logo
BUILD FOX is a software studio based in Berlin. We build robust digital user experiences across platforms with a high ambition to enable our clients to deeply understand their products with the help of our innovative toolbox.
Learn more
Appviewer logo
A central UI gallery
for mobile app teams
The single source of truth for all your UI variations and edge cases
🏰 in Berlin